Wednesday, November 27, 2019

One hour of exercise can prevent depression, study finds

One hour of exercise can prevent depression, study findsOne hour of exercise can prevent depression, study findsTheres good news for those of us who find the idea of going to the gym more than once a week insurmountable. A new study found that you dont need two-a-day bootcamps, daylong health retreats, or fancy equipment if you want to make a difference in your wellbeing - you just need an hour of physical activity every week.The research on exerciseAnalyzing the health and exercise habits of more than 33,000 adults over 11 years, a newAmerican Journal of Psychiatry study found thatan hour of exercise a week was enough to keep depression at bay. In fact, the researchers found that participants who did not exercise were 44% more likely to experience depression. Participants didnt even need to break a sweat to reap the benefits. The researchers found that low levels of aerobic intensity were just as effective as the vigorous kinds.This backs up other research that has come to the same conclusion To keep our brains and bodies happy, we need to keep moving, even if its just adding a few more steps to our day. A 2017 study found that just adding 48 minutes of walking to your weekly routine could help prevent major mobility disabilities in the future.Be like miceIts not just humans that can benefit from getting up and moving. In 2016, researchers noted that mice who got to run their hearts out on running wheels had more neurons than the mice who had to stay sedentary. The researchers for that study havent quite figured out how mice brains applies to our brains, but they are excited to remind us that brain cells produced under running conditions are not just quantitatively but qualitatively different.What you should doIn a modern workplace, its all too easy to stay sitting in our cubicles. But what these studies shows that even when youre busy with work and obligations, just getting up and moving around each day can make substantial changes in your wellbeing.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Why savvy people say no to some job offers

Why savvy people say no to some job offersWhy savvy people say no to some job offersFrom the time were little (except for the terrible twos when everythings a big No-fest) were pretty much conditioned to be nice, play nice and share everything we have. Pop culture also regularly reminds us that we should be more open to things, from uber-producer Shonda Rhimess book Year of Yes, in which she committed to saying yes to everything instead of no, to Say Yes to the Dress, a show thats entire premise is about urging brides to announce their commitmentto a few yards of fabric.In the spirit of being ornery for a good reason, let me buck this tide of assenting to everything. Id like to encourage you to say no more often and to mean it. In that vein, before you accept the next invitation that comes your way, give it a quick rethink, who knows you might actually want to say yes instead of feeling forced into it.Say no to that bewerbungsgesprchYouve been out of work for a while and everyone in your immediate orbit is pressuring you to GET A JOB. They mean well of course, they want you to feel better about yourself, hope youll soon have more disposable income, and really really hope you might start showering on a more regular basis. The thing is, that if youre serious about looking for a full-time job or gig you can know just how debilitating it can be to get all dressed up for an interview for a job you dont really want. Worse still is going in knowing youre worth more than the salary or that the actual job compromises you, your skill set and hopes for your career and could even set you back.When to bail Forget the interview if the job doesnt even sound better on paper. If youre second-guessing every career choice youve ever made. If the thought of working there, even as a stopgap, depresses you beyond measure and will ultimately hinder your ability to secure the next better interview, you should probably give it a pass.A yep of caution Sometimes it pays to go on an inte rview for a job youre not sure you want simply to practice. But step out of the process as soon as you can.Say no to a job offer Congrats All that resume polishing has been paying off and youve been offered the job of your dreams- or have you? This would be the time for a quick gut check to see if youre as excited as you think you are. Think back to when you first heard about this position. Now think about whats been offered to you. Is the salary the same? Are the benefits there as well? What about your title or responsibilities? Do you want the job because it improves your skills and offers a good working environment - or because the title or the company look impressive to friends and family? If youre worried about project creep before even starting a project, its a good time to put the brake on things. When to bail Retailers and advertisers arent the only ones who are great at the old bait and switch some sketchy job descriptions or offers seem to do the exact same thing. If the job you applied for came with a higher salary and now youve been offered a fancier title but paltrier paycheck, you already know something about your potential future employer, they cant be trusted to do right by you. Do you really want to start working for a company that doesnt keep its stimmt genau or misleads you intentionally from the get-go? Probably not. You deserve to be excited about your new opportunities A word of caution No job is perfect though, say no to too many opportunities and the offers might stop coming in.Say no to networkingYou know that you should get out there more, and so you sign up for more Meetups than you can keep track of, and start RSVPing in the affirmative to every even remotely interesting industry event. The problem with being at too many events is that you become that guy. You know the one. Hes at every single corporate event, cocktail in hand, eagerly scanning every new face to make a new connection since he already knows everyone and is desperate for a new contact.When to bail Its fine to attend networking events, but try to be more circumspect about accepting or sharing invitations. If you hear about a talk or interactive event held by a thought leader you admire, its nice to attend, but dont assume youll be able to speak with her. Chances are good that the best events will be so crowded to the rafters youll never get to meet your hero. Instead, try to focus on higher quality events or even the ones that offer a more guided way of networking. In this way, you have more potential for professional improvement rather than another night sitting in the corner grumbling about everyone in your industry.I co-founded and ran a networking organization in partnership with the business development offices of a former mayor of NYC and despite meeting hundreds upon hundreds of strangers a year, I always tried to manage my expectations for every event. I challenged myself to make one meaningful contact per event, and that made the entire evening a success. I still do. I dont believe in collecting business cards or sharing social media information haphazardly, in networking as in life, less can frequently be so much more.A word of caution Dont expect to gain career changing opportunities at every event and you might end up being extremely pleased with the results of your next networking efforts. Say no to the next business tripThis one is tricky. If part of your job description specifically involves travel, you might have a hard time saying no to an important business trip. That said, if the bulk of the work you hope to accomplish can as easily be completed via Skype or Slack or any other virtual means, you can probably skip a few trips. When to bail If youre coming down with a bad cold, are so fried you can barely function at home much less when your home base is a hotel room, youre no good to anyone on their home turf. A word of caution There really is no substitute for face-to-face interaction sometimes. If youre planning to increase your monthly retainer, asking for a raise, or even presenting something that makes you look like a rock star, you should probably do it in person. But if its a minor detail that can be worked out by phone or Skype, do that instead.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Overview of Commercial Real Estate Property Leases

Overview of Commercial Real Estate Property LeasesOverview of Commercial Real Estate Property LeasesAs long as local and other zoning ordinances permit geschftlicher umgang use, any public or private facility can be used for most general types of businesses. Because home-based businesses are operated in properties zoned for residential use and not commercial use, they are often subject to many restrictions on the type of business that can be operated, as well as subject to severe limitations and restrictions on conducting face-to-face business from a home-based amtsstube. What to Consider Before Deciding on a Lease Two main considerations to focus on when deciding on the right type of space to lease for your business are the schauplatz and the type of lease being offered. A mall might offer a great location for a retail business but you will likely have to share a portion of your profits with your landlord in addition to paying a base rent. Leasing industrial or business park spa ce is an alternative worth considering for retail businesses because the rents are cheaper and it is unlikely you will have to share your profits. Commercial Property Commercial real estate can be land, property, or facilities that are either zoned foror used exclusively forbusiness purposes. In most cases, people cannot live in a building zoned for commercial business purposes and many local ordinances may also have restrictions on what and how commercial property is used.And, to make matters even mora limiting, local community and homeowners associations and individual landlords may have their own restrictions. It is extremely important when looking for commercial properties to lease that you are completely honest with realtors and landlords about what you plan to do with the property and any future plans you may have to improve the property or expand your business. For example, if you are planning on setting up a retail shop or place of business where you expect a lot of cust omers coming and going throughout the day you need to let the landlord know in advance. If you dont and suddenly turn and office into a thrift store you and your business might end up on the street for breaching the lease (and you may still be financially liable for the rent until the place is leased again.) It pays to take your time, think about what you want, and ask questions about restrictions.Here are some of the most common types of properties you can lease and little about each one. Types of Commercial Properties Most Business Owners Lease Commercial property does not just refer to stand-alone office buildings but also includes commercial parks, business parks, and retail malls and outlets. In addition to traditional low-rise and high-rise commercial office buildings, businesses (and individuals) lease in Business ParksA business park is a group of buildings designed for general and light-industrial use business purposes. Business park rents are often cheaper than retail properties and comparable to industrial park rents. Many doctors and other service professionals lease space in business parks. Industrial ParksThis type of commercial property consists of buildings divided into units or spaces that are often warehouses or other large, unfinished spaces. Industrial parks are usually zoned for heavy-industrial purposes but are often also used for other types of businesses. Industrial park spaces can be used for manufacturing and other heavy industrial purposes, like warehouses, can be converted into more traditional office spaces, or serve a combination of business uses. Industrial spaces that have store-front window exposure, are now also used by many small retail businesses just getting started. Some industrial parks have become so attractive that on the surface they are hard to distinguish from business parks except they typically have large, garage-style doors for access. A determined business owner can usually find industrial leases that have be en renovated or built-out by previous tenants into office or retail space. These semi-upscale spaces still often cost far less to lease than other types of commercial properties. Commercial Retail PropertyThis type of property includes malls, strip malls, and other facilities suitable for store-front types of businesses. In addition to facilities designed either specifically or exclusively for retail businesses, many retail business owners also lease units in industrial parks and business parks.